Gestational Diabetes Management

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes affects up to 15 percent of pregnant women yearly. When the placenta creates hormones for the developing fetus, glucose can build up in the blood. When the body is unable to produce enough insulin or cannot effectively use insulin to break down this level of glucose, blood sugar levels rise and cause gestational diabetes. If left untreated, this condition can cause a higher risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and many other health problems in newborn babies. Therefore, it is extremely important to screen for gestational diabetes and begin treatment early after diagnosis.

How We Help You Manage Your Gestational Diabetes

If you’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, it is important to begin treatment as soon as possible. Dr. Rosenberg has a dedicated diabetic educator who works one on one with our gestational diabetes patients. She is available for Telehealth consultations as often as necessary. She provides training on how to monitor and manage your blood glucose levels to avoid complications and maximize the health of your pregnancy. Dr. Rosenberg and his diabetic educator closely monitor your progress and coordinate with your obstetrician or midwife so your care is seamless.

  • Prenatal Screening and Testing: Through high-risk care, the amount of testing and screenings for genetic conditions and health risks increase. Blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound scans, and genetic screenings are all performed more extensively throughout the trimesters to detect any serious complications that occur from gestational diabetes.

  • Prenatal Screening and Testing: A diagnosis of gestational diabetes comes with increased risks for you and your baby. Therefore, blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound scans, and screenings are all performed more extensively throughout the trimesters to detect any serious complications that may occur.

  • Patient Education: Our diabetic educator will help guide you in your management of gestational diabetes.  You will learn how and when to use glucose strips to test your blood sugar levels, as well as ways that diet and exercise can impact your diabetes.

  • Gestational Diabetes Medication: If diet and exercise don’t provide enough control for your blood sugar, insulin shots and/or diabetes medication may be prescribed. Dr. Rosenberg and our diabetic educator will work with you step by step to make sure you understand the treatment and are comfortable with implementing it. 

Special Care and Attention from Rosenberg Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Through close monitoring, careful screening, and one on one patient education, Dr. Rosenberg will give you the best outcome possible. For more information about how we can help you manage your gestational diabetes, contact Rosenberg Maternal-Fetal Medicine today.